Yesterday I went to buy a computer. This I thought, should be a relatively easy thing to do, even in my small coastal town. My plan, to visit the three or four places where I might chose from a reasonable selection, chose the one I liked the best within my price range, buy and take it home. Easy
peasy! In this time of
recession, surely these shops would be happy to do business, they would be falling over themselves to sell me a laptop and take my money - take my cash and add another sale to their figures. But no - how silly of me to be optimistic and think that the customer matters - that sales need to be made.
Shop number 1 - Staples - quite a good selection, a few within my price range, not sure about the returns policy if I have any problems but a possibility
nevertheless. Problem- the sales assistants are all 12, standing at the counter, chewing large pieces of gum and talking to their mates, also chewing large pieces of gum, about going out and other mates. They did stare at me a couple of times in that 'what are you doing in my shop, trying to get attention, wasting my time, thinking you are going to buy something' kinda way.
I decided I wasn't in the mood for teenage interaction and thought this is
OK because it is the first shop and I should do better elsewhere.
Shop number 2 -
Bennetts - a smallish selection in my price range but two I was really interested in. Managed to get the shop assistants attention, although he insisted on taking obviously very important pieces of paper out the back first, before he served me but he did come back. A very, very large man, who kinda rumbled around puffing. How dare I make him move around by asking questions? How dare I make him breath?
Anyway chose notebook, nice model had what I wanted within my price bracket. Hurray, purchase and go. But no, no, no. They don't actually have that model in stock, in fact, they don't really have any of the models in stock, been a big rush on computers in the area!, I can order it and it may arrive next week. When I point out that maybe they should not be displaying items they haven't got to sell, I am told in a very 'you stupid woman' sort of way, that if they didn't display models that they didn't stock then there would be nothing on the display - huh! am I the only one who doesn't see the logic in this. I point out that I might as well buy one online than order and wait for a possibility with them and leave pointing out that I will try their major competitor. By this time I am becoming
peeved - he doesn't really care though - just goes back behind the counter where he doesn't have to walk or breath.
Shop number 3 -
Currys - a nice selection and three I can chose from. I chose the Dell as this was what I intended in the first place. The assistant is helpful, I do vaguely know him, and when he checks
availability there are plenty and most of all there is a pink one. I really wanted a pink one, so decided hey, I am going to get the notebook I wanted, in price range. It is located in the stock room, eventually, the chap is on lunch - half past four, but hey he works until 8 - and brought down. No deal to be done but I think it is exactly what I want so go with it. I did notice the seal was open but thought hey, maybe the guy was just checking the colour.
I buy it and take it home, full of smug happiness at
getting exactly what I wanted.
But no, no, no.
I turn it on and get this strange
Currys screen saver that just goes around and around with a password to exit. No password available and only advice on password is that you need to read the
txt on
CD. Only problem this machine has no
CD drive. Ho, hum. So I mess about a while thinking I can guess password, which of course, I can't. Then I think ring the store, no
probs. So I ring the number on the
receipt where eventually, after
pressing 1 and 2, and 1 and 2 etc, etc, I speak to a nice, a helpful tech guy who tells me that my notebook is actually a used one, has been on display and only the store can remove the
Currys screen saver. By this time my blood is starting to boil. But he says, ring again and get put through to the store and they will sort it out. So I ring again, lots of 1 and 2, 1 and 2, etc, etc before I speak to a lady with only a basic grasp of
English who tells me I can't speak to my local store - why? - but that the store code with get rid of the screen saver - it doesn't and I have to tell her a few times, it doesn't.
OK then I will have to take it back - so I say fair enough - can I speak to the store to arrange to have another put aside - no I can't speak to the store but she will. She goes back and forth and eventually tells me they have no more - even though I saw at least 15 on the computer in stock, and that I can have my money back.
After tea I drive back to the store, get my money back, moan about service, moan about being sold a used notebook, moan about not being able to speak to local store, and then they tell me may take up to 2 days to refund - what!!!! and drive home again. No computer - and possibly no money until after the weekend.
Eat chocolate muffins and drink alcohol.