Wednesday, 13 May 2009

A Dog's Tail

Something strange happened today. Something I had never witnessed before. My dog chased its tail. Just for a few seconds she turned her head and noticed a her fluffy white curly tail standing aloft and began to chase it in circular motion. Each turn increasing in speed and with her head becoming a little closer to her tail. I have seen other dogs chase their tales but never her. She is three already and so I thought she would probably never chase her tail.

What made her do it today or had I just never noticed her chasing her tail, or maybe just never been around to witness it before. (The old if a tree falls in the wood with no one to witness it does it still make a sound question.) I suspect this was the first occurrence as she seems surprised at seeing her tail and shocked at her inability to catch it. In her defence the running circle only lasted a second or two before she cottoned on to the fact that it was her tail and it was un-catchable.

Are we humans so quick to realise how futile chasing our tails has become?

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