Thursday, 14 May 2009

Chocolate (2)

A little Smartie could kill a song bird
even the special blue ones
before and after
the dangerous colourings were removed.

Twenty two pounds of chocolate;
a lethal dose for a human.

Twenty two large purple-blue bars
wrapped up in foil
with suckable chunks
cold from the fridge
begging to be chomped down on hard
and hurting your mouth
in anxious desire
which melts exquisitely
into the roof of the mouth
to extinguish the pain.

The block stands proud
but wounded
and melts around your fingers
into a sticky scrumptious coating
that longs to be licked off individual
fingers by the tongue flicking
quickly around and between.
A provision of salty chocolate
with each gorgeous stroke.

1 comment:

Just Curious... said...

What a way to go!!! I totally would.

The last verse is so sensual and works really well.