Sunday 29 March 2009

Been a long time gone

I have not written on my blog for such a long time but have thought of it often. So finally remembered my login details and decided to get back into it.


I am suffering with one of those grotty virus type colds at the mo. Sore throat, blocked nose, tired eyes, hacking cough and it has drained all my energy. It has really drained my energy and is making me feel just YUK, YUK, YUK!!! I just want to sleep all the time which is really rubbish and haven't managed to get any of the jobs done which I wanted to this weekend. Having no energy is a real drag - mind you I have watched lots of old stuff I recorded on the DVD recorder and enjoyed most of it, especially The Genius of Photography. And have managed to clear down the memory somewhat so I can record some new stuff.

I will finish with a poem by (yes you guessed it) my favourite SpikeY!


Pull the blinds
on you emotions
Switch off our face.
Put your love into neutral
This way to the human race.

April 1971

Sometimes I think it would be nice to do this. Just switch of my emotions, close down my reactions and sail along without hassle or pain.


Just one last note - I am going to church tonight. It is my second time - I found it comforting last time but not sure why? Tell you more later - maybe?