Saturday, 20 June 2009

Oh flipping heck (or words to the effect)

I have just had a frustrating morning. I am trying to get the lawn cut and some more tidying in the garden and it keeps raining. The weather forecast said 'showers' and unfortunately they got it right.

I have been to the hairdresser and now I am not sure I like the cut. It just seems a little middle aged but hey, I am middle aged but I think I wanted something a bit more funky and easy to look after. What my son in law calls my lesbian look.

In between these two I have typed up some invoices for the business, they went ok and typed up the start of a story I am writing. My friend, wants me to bring round some writing tonight so that we can discuss it. I had some free time on Thursday and have written the beginning of a short story provisionally called The Look, or Disappeared, or Stare (I am terrible with titles and always hope something jumps out the text whilst writing). Anyway I typed up 350 ish words before going to the hairdresser and then about the same again when I came home. Best part of 700 words is not bad going for me at mo.

Any way I just went back to add some more and found the only the first 350 words had saved. What a pain. I had done some editing whilst typing it up and now all that will be gone as well. This is so frustrating.

I have written about another 100 words but not sure I have the time, or the inclination to type it all up again. Suppose I ought to really.

I really want to finish this story and maybe blog it (not sure if I want to submit it somewhere. If I blog my work does that mean it has been previously published so is not available for submission?)

I have done lots of starting stories but never seems to get much finished so was really determined to try and get this work completed even if in first draft.

Hey ho, guess I better just stop blogging (soon anyway) and try and type the 350 words back in.

Another frustration today is that I was supposed to be attending a free evening of music and art at a local park. It sounded ok. But with the weather being so unpredictable maybe we will just stay in and have tea and Morrison's cream muffins. Yum!

1 comment:

glnroz said...

good morning,, ever have a dream where you are trying to run and ya can't seem to get your legs to move.. lol..keep on 'a keepin' on.. have a great day,,,