Thursday, 11 June 2009

Neno's Award

I'd like to thank for nominating me for this award. I am really glad that she and others are reading my blog and hopefully enjoying it or it provokes thoughts and discussions or it just makes them mad. Blogging it about all those things and creativity, communication and love (just ignore the hippy bit).

I am afraid that this award has put me in a bit of quandary - who to nominate. I read Curiouslyspeaking and would have nominated her but she got in first.So please accept my apologises for not passing this on immediately I felt it needed a little thought. So I have decided to nominate the person who first got me into blogging, although in a round about way, and whose blogs I have continued to enjoy for over a year.

Neno’s Rules

1. As a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.

2. To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.

3. Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.

4. Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.

5. Answer the awards question by writing the reason why you love blogging.

6. Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.

7. Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

I love blogging as it makes me be creative. It makes me go to the computer every day and either try and write something, or post up something I have found from another author or read other blogs that amaze, educate or amuse me in so many ways. I find myself addicted to blogging and hope that I will be able to continue this. Blogging has helped me become brave enough to send off my first submission and by posting my writing I feel the courage will grow further.

I'd like to pass this award on to:


Note: definitely beautiful is her new blog but please read some of the archive material in her original blogspot as it is so good. I still think she has a novel in there. I love these blogs because they illustrate so wonderfully a person going through life with the ups and downs, the loves gained and lost and the trials and rewards of being a parents and employee all wonderfully blogged in an easy to read way. I know she thought about giving up blogging and thank god decided against it and for this I am eternally grateful and in my opinion, her bloggs are what blogging should be all about.

Please read and enjoy.

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