Saturday, 25 October 2008

On holiday - yeah

Its Saturday and I am on my first day of 9 days holiday from work. I am soo looking forward to it. I positively hate work at the moment - I have no control over what is happening - I am just doing what the boss says. On top of the that she has just given me a whole load of paper work to complete which is really pissing me off because all I do is paperwork and nothing to do with the job. Oh well at least money is coming in because at the moment that is all it is about - working to get paid. Sad really but I have to find a way to make 2009 more about finding a job that I like, paying off more debt and making sure I don't get any more. It can be done if I just try hard enough.

I have a great big list of things to do whilst I am on holiday.

1 Start creating my Christmas presents eg painting, wrapping, varnishing etc

2 Seeing the community link worker about making life easier in the future.

3 Meeting my friends from Uni

4 Meeting my friend from Work

5 Trying to do Wii fit every day

6 Making sure the dog has good walks every day.

7 Seeing Sam

8 Doing some of the meds training pack (although it pisses me off I have to do it in my own time!!)

9 Cleaning and tidying the house

10 Some writing - fiction and poetry

11 Continuing to sort my work from this blog and saving it to my usb pen. (More on that later).

12 Practicing darts cos at the moment I am crap.

I think that is enough for now - I will let you know at the end of the holiday if I managed it.


My daughter has just got me into facebook. It is quite interesting yet I feel it will be just another time consuming thing and to be honest I prefer this blog. I like being able to say what I want, being able to publish stuff I am enjoying reading and stuff that I am writing. It feels good and now that I am looking back over it and reading stuff I can see how good it has been for my creativity. Hopefully I can find more time to blog - or I guess make more time. I hate it when I am too tired or too busy because I think it is a good part of my day.

Anyway back to face book. I have a few friends - somehow that still feels sad and people keep sending me stuff but I am not sure what I am looking at some of the time. I did get sent this amazing 'You tube' link to a video of a comedian singing about childbirth. It was so funny hopefully I am going to learn how to put it into my blog so you can all enjoy it.

I get emails telling me people have put stuff up on facebook for me to look up but when I look it just kinda takes you into this massive time wasting exercise. Anyway I think I am going to stick with blogging and just check facebook now and again.

Anyway back to my blog - I have been ready the children's poetry book I mentioned before and some of the stuff in it is amazing. I have loads to show you so next few entries will be them. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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