Friday, 10 October 2008

More on Walt plus others blogs

will be but excrementitious.
This was the picture I used for this line of the poem. I still don't really know what excrementitious means as it doesn't seem to be in any dictionary but is obviously based on excrement so this was the picture I chose. There is something strange about this poem, almost haunting but could have an evil undertone - for me so difficult to read. Is is about inevitable death and god and love or is it about someone taking anothers life because they think it is the right thing to do or they think it is right. I would love to know if anyone is reading this blog if they have an opinion.
And on this point and I want to talk about my friends latest blog entry at
the one entitled Happy Birthday. This is an amazing entry. So honest and warm and really made me want to cry but in a good way. I hope she means me when she is talking about her friends even though I almost not dare to think that. I remember when we first met she seemed to have real issues about friendship and told me that she didn't really keep friends. Me, in my inevitable way, thought that meant that she didn't really want to be friendly with me outside Uni and that would a some point just walk away for reasons I might never know. In fact I remember thinking at least she was honest enough to say this might happen.
But this has not happened and we have been friends for a while, I guess 3 or 4 years and are now considering returning to Uni to do our MA's, although probably on different courses. It was so lovely to read her honesty and warm. I remember when we first met thinking that she was very guarded and appeared a little afraid of her feelings. (I have told her that and I do know that she may read my blog! - Hi RC if you do read this) and thinking that I am too emotional for her - I probably still am but we found a way to cope with our differences. She has supported me through so much both at Uni and since and I hope I have supported her too. Anyway just to say I guess, what a brill blog and mainly what a brill friend. I love you (not in the Katie Perrie way, cherry chapstick) , but in the true friendship way. Although the does beg the question would I snog her??? Perhaps more on that another time.
And work
Another day at work, but then the weekend. Hope the day goes quickly and the weekend slowly and maybe the newspaper will have a new opportuntity. But if not this week then maybe next.
And I want to tidy my house, sort out some paperwork and letters, maybe a bit of gardening, kick back and watch TV, walk the dog, play Wii fit, laugh, make love and be happy. Not bad for a weekend!!
Maybe more today - later

1 comment:

Just Curious... said...

Thank you. Your comments are appreciated. Besides you're probably right. Just a tip, I don't like cherry, you might wanna try strawberry!