Today is wednesday - I loate wednesday's at work. They are awful dealing with grotty atmosphere and foul attitude. Oh well just grin and bear it as it is only for a month but I feel it is going to be a long month.
I read my AOL horoscope every day - just for fun really as I get a regular daily email but today was really odd - and just so on the button that it actually spooked me a bit.
1 October 2008
The desire for advancement, both personal and career-wise, could cause you to consider the possibility of furthering your education in some way, Diana. Someone close to you, probably a woman, could wake you up to the advantages of actually returning to school and getting an advanced degree. You may want to wait a little bit before actually deciding, but something has shifted within you and it's time for some kind of change. Be prepared!
The desire for advancement, both personal and career-wise, could cause you to consider the possibility of furthering your education in some way, Diana. Someone close to you, probably a woman, could wake you up to the advantages of actually returning to school and getting an advanced degree. You may want to wait a little bit before actually deciding, but something has shifted within you and it's time for some kind of change. Be prepared!
I am seriously thinking about going back to Uni to do my MA and am being spurred on by my mate Becky, so you can see this horoscope really fits. Is it just one of those lucky co-incidences or something else?
Another spooky thing happened to me yesterday - I was talking at darts about a funny dream that I had that involved being at West Ham football ground - or one in my dream - and the man next door to me talking about it once being a airport but they shut it down because the planes kept crashing. The last plane to crash was the one my grandfather flew in 1936 that crashed into the English Ocean. (the bit about my grandfather is true, by the way). It was a very really dream even though I have never been to West Ham football ground, don't support them and sure it would be much nicer than the place in my dream. Anyway, when I told this at darts my dart friend Tracey said she had dreamt that night that she was wearing a bridesmaid dress in West Ham colours and it was very weird and she had dreamt about West Ham. Is this some kinda omen to do with a wedding, a plane crash and West Ham - probably not but spooky hey!
Talking about football - which I wasn't really - 'Go on you Reading - a 3 - 0 spanking of Wolves - keep it up and we could be back in the Premiership.'
Have to go to face a crap day at work - oh fuck it!!
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