Sunday, 17 January 2010

Today and Yesterday

In 2005 Adriana Lliescu became the oldest woman in the world to give birth.

I always had doubts about this. I wonder how the child will feel when it reaches teenage years. My best friend at school had very elderly parents - her father had already reached retirement age when we were at High School. She was very loved and had a lovely family but she was always very old for her age. She married a man 22 years older and I always wondered if this was because she had grown up with older parents. They are still married and have brought up two children and appear happy so I guess it doesn't matter but I always expected her to want to be young - rebel into her second childhood. Mind you I have had a second childhood that has lasted nearly 20 years and my parents were not particularly old.

What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth.
I think I am guilty of this sometimes although I try not to be. Trouble is I love a bit of gossip. I say I am inquisitive and always looking for materials for writing but really I am just 'a nosey cow!'

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