Sunday, 3 January 2010

My Liverpudlian Dream

I had this dream a couple of days ago and wrote it down. I am not at all sure what it means and would love some feedback. Is it just a story? Is it about creativity? Or is it about sex? (I know JC will think it is but hey maybe, maybe not).

I met a man who was from Liverpool, he lived in a house above an interesting looking shop or warehouse. He lived on the second and third floor and his lounge looked over an amazing square that was cobbled and had just a few people walking on it and the fronts of interesting shops and a pub with a swinging pub sign.

His flat/house had a long corridor from the front door (up a narrow long flight of stairs that was dark) apart from one very small oblong window right near the top. The window was high up near the ceiling.

In my dream I wondered why was I going into a strange house with a man I didn't know? These are questions that are nevered answered in a dream.

The man is dark haired with blue eyes and a pretty average face - a little Fred Flintstone looking if you know what I mean but he did have a friendly face. A kinda square and friendly face and he was definitely a Liverpudlian although I don't know if we were in Liverpool.

I can't remember the specific conversations we had but I know we talked about art and writing and being creative. I asked him lots of questions especially about the amazing art that covered his living room. I knew it was modern and bright and colourful and I really like it. In my memory it was like a 'Hockney swimming pool' but I can't remember the exact details. The whole room felt creative, he felt like a creative person but I don't remember what he said. Maybe he was a teacher - I'm not sure.

But what I do remember is that he told me to keep writing, to believe in my writing. He also told me I can paint if I want to. I just need to paint what I see and to keep trying until I am happy with my work.

When I woke up all I wanted to do was go back to sleep and return to the dream. It was a nice dream. It felt good.


Just Curious... said...

Why would this be about sex?

This sounds like a lovely dream. I totally get the creative vibe and maybe this comes from your need for reassurance about the choices you have made recently and what you should do with your time.

I was told once that when you have a conversation with a dead person you never remember what was actually said, you just get the general intent. Your dream reminded me of that.

Just Curious... said...

PS a flat over 2 floors is called a maisonette (felt like you were reaching for the word)

Just Curious... said...

PPS Yes I know I'm an Arse!!!

Moggie711 said...

No you are not an arse because I could not remember the word - strange thing the flat kinda reminded me on one we visited before (one where you desperately wanted to visit the beach for lunch!!!!) but much much nicer.

I am so glad you think it is about my creativity because that is what it felt like.

Anonymous said...

D -
I used to go to a spiritulist church, yes up near you, and joined 'a circle', completing the courses.
What I think of your dream, is that you had maybe gone onto a higher plane, and met your spiritual guide, [lucky you - I had to be told who mine is, and what he looked like] as it seems that he is guiding you into trying new ideas.
Silly perhaps, but when you go to bed, relax completely, and ask him 'to come back' to chat, ask his advice, just open yourself up. Have a look round spiritual web pages, they can advise on opening up.
Perhaps we will talk more in our emails about this.
love, A x