Saturday, 23 January 2010

Postcard Fiction

JC and I met up today - the first time in ages and went to the pub. It was nice just to talk, be a bit bitchy and write some fiction. I had set up a little exercise in Postcard fiction and here is one of my attempts. Hopefully JC will post hers later today so check this link for something a little more intellectual. This little postcard fiction was based on the idea of loss and particularly loss around a baby. Approximately 5 - 10 minutes of writing (in the pub) and a lot of fun. Good to get the creativity moving again.

Matinee Jackets

Maureen packed the hand knitted matinee jackets and cardigans into the zip up case, ready to stow under her bed. The pretty pale greens, yellow and white glowed through the transparent container. Each one carefully layered with a moth repellent sheet.

She zipped it up carefully, pushed it neatly under her bed before sitting down, her hands neatly placed on her lap. It saddened her that she would never she her granddaughter; she would never give these lovingly knitted clothes.

Maureen stood up 'there's plenty of housework to be done. I will never forgive my daughter for saying his mother will be a better grandmother. Never. Oh well it's there loss.' she said out loud.

Going to put the other one on CherryPicker so check out if you can

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