Monday, 15 February 2010

More useless blog information

Friday 12th - 1809 the birth of pioneering English naturalist, Charles Darwin.

It seems unbelievable but his anniversary last year proved that this could still be a contentious statement.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.

Saturday 13th/Sunday 14th - in 1984 (14th) British ice dancers, Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, triumphed at the Winter Olympics.

I remember this being a big deal at the time but I just couldn't get into to it. I remember watching it and thinking OMG this is so boring. Don't mind a bit of ice skating on TV now although don't go out of my way to watch it but I do understand the importance of a British Gold Medal at the Winter Olympics and how it makes everyone feel good. Anything that makes everyone feel good in these times has got to be great.

Live every day as if it were your last and then some day you'll be right.

At the moment my whole life feels like this!!

Monday 15th - the birth of Clare Short, British Labour politician, in Northern Ireland.

She is someone I feel I should know more about - is she a good and worthy person or just another 'dis-honorable' MP. I seem to remember she left under some sort of cloud but was that because she acted badly or because she went against policy - hmm, maybe I should find out.

We should give meaning to life, not wait for life to give us meaning.

At the moment I am trying to understand what meaning my life has. I feel like I am being punished for being a bad person yet what have I done that is so bad. I am worried I am going to mess up for 'boy' and worried who is coming to demand money next and worried what is going to break next - including material and health - and just worried to be alive. This is not a good state to be in and all I can do is try and concentrate on being a good carer for 'boy', keeping myself mentally and physically healthy and just getting through each day - I find myself looking for a sign to show me what I have done that is so bad so at least I can learn. I guess I must already know but just don't want to hear it. Oh well at some point it will smack me straight in the face and then I will know if I am strong enough.

Another self-obsessed day - no I not going to let this happen - just let it all out on my blog and then keep going. I think it is ok for my to be a 'sad sack' on my blog - although I think even the few readers I have will get sick of it and move on - or tell me to 'get over it'. Both is ok, both will help me in some way. Blogging helps me in someway.


Anonymous said...

**I am worried I am going to mess up for 'boy' and worried who is coming to demand money next and worried what is going to break next - including material and health **

If you suffering money worries, please find the courage and strength to see an adviser at Citizens Advice Bureau. A problem shared, is a problem halved ... CAB are there to help.

glnroz said...

you "sad sack" all you want to. Nowbody is going to get tired of it,, lol. I enjoy these obscure bit of information. I learn something that I might not search out on my own.. keep fighting...

Moggie711 said...

Hi firstly Mr G (as I shall now call you as I keep getting muddled with the gln bits thanks for your encouragement and the fact that you are still reading my stuff. It really is appreciated.

Anon - we have been to CAB and it certainly is an experience. Unfortunately we live in an area where they are really overstretched and so the waiting times are pretty harsh. First time we waited 2 and a half hours for an initial interview, bit of basic advice and told to return - that was the yellow ticket. Second time we got the blue ticket - 2 hour wait and saw a nice but not very knowlegdeable lady who was really only working from script and couldn't answer most of our questions. Now we have a minimum 3 week wait for a proper appointment with someone who hopefully knows the law and can really guide us. In this time the debtors keep coming, the letters keep arriving. I think we should be very careful about putting up CAB as the 'great help' because they overworked and have limited resources. But some help has been good and we keep going.

PS they had the worst receptionist I have ever met who was so bad she was actually really funny.