Tuesday, 23 February 2010

22nd and 23rd

22 - In 1979 the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia became independent from the United Kingdom.

This is something I feel I should know about - I am definitely old enough to remember it in the news but must admit it 'rings no bells'.

Forever is composed of nows.

I quite like the idea of this - as if every moment matters, each tiny second, each minute. It is an optimistic view point and one I feel I should be adopting.

23 - 1820 - London police exposed a plot to murder George IV's cabinet ministers.

Hey someone definitely had the right idea in the 1820's.

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.

I had a good laugh about something yesterday, can't remember what is was but do remember feeling like a load had lifted - strange isn't it. We should all make a real effort to laugh more, to find humour in our life - it feels good for the soul.

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