Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Tues & Wed

Tuesday 16th - 2005 The Kyoto Protocol came into force, addressing climate change.

And has that been a huge success??

In today already walks tomorrow

I find this idea a bit worrying, lets get one day over before we start a new one.

Wednesday 17th - 1867 the first ship passed through the Suez Canal

I remember watching a program about how many men died during the 'building' of the Suez Canal - it was very sad.

It's easy to make a buck.
It's a lot tougher to make a difference.
It ain't so easy to make a buck - believe me - and even harder to keep it.
Make a difference to who???

1 comment:

glnroz said...

you make a difference to a lot of folks, I am sure. Malaria was bad during construction of Suez Canal. Too bad we gave it away after all those years.. lol