Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year

A new year and a new way of thinking - I hope. I know I try these new year resolutions and fail every year but this year I am just gonna try something simple. Being optimistic.

Life will get better for me if I just think it will. I am fortified with optimism.

I am so determined to start and keep writing. All part of the above.

Whilst I was a Uni we had a writer give us a talk (have to say I read one of his books and didn't think much of it - it felt like a poor copy of Ian Mckewen but hey he is published and he did give good advice). This was his advice that I have pasted up on my wall for years.

This was his advice that I share with you:

  • have SELF BELIEF (it means more than everything - if you believe you can succeed you will).
  • have SELF DISCIPLINE (that means write regularly)
  • TALENT - I think this is something you are born with but you can definitely work at it
  • WRITE EVERYDAY (that means everyday however much work you have, however tired you are)
  • FIND A HOOK - BE MARKETABLE (not easy but helped by lots of reading, being aware of what is being published and what is being nominated and winning awards)

Good advice - all I need to do is follow it!!!!!!?????!

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