Monday, 1 March 2010

The first of the month

AD 589 - the death of St David, patron saint of Wales.

I'm not Welsh, don't think I even have Welsh relatives so this information doesn't really impact on me. Only thing I can say is that the Welsh are very patriotic, like the Scottish and probably the Irish and as an English person I envy that. They seems to be able to identify who they are and I am sure with today's changing world this helps a lot. I wish the English could find a national identity (a healthy one not National Front (right wing) type one. I am convinced it is because our national dance is Morris Dancing - a who the hell wants to admit to that!!!

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

I am not 'down' with this one either - surely the whole point of being drunk and saying silly things it the fact that you don't have to stand by them when you are sober.


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