Tuesday, 12 May 2009

The Reflective Snake

I took a canoe out on the River Waveney and took a photograph of the arm of wood that came out of the water like a snake. Its reflection, on a bright sunny day made it even more snake like. The flattened head hovered over the water poised to bite or sting anyone floating past. I wanted to get close enough to touch it but was too afraid in case it pounced at me. I thought the wood would soften and stretch out, momentarily alive and venomous before returning to its hardened state. Two snakes one solid and set, the other trembling in water lapping under its reflective partner.
Which would do the most harm?
Maybe the water snake would drag me down into its lair before sucking out my last breath and easing my lifeless mould back into the air - a trophy to its staring brother.

1 comment:

Just Curious... said...

The photo is fab. I can totally see the snake. There is something that is simultaneously beautiful and threatening about it.