Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Why can I remember the words of a song
with perfect recall from thirty years ago.

(apart from mis-heard lyrics
that fit so easily into the real
rhythms of the music
better than the originals)

The joy of singing loud and flat,
screaming out the high notes
in tuneless abandon.

Yet I can’t remember what I did yesterday.


Just Curious... said...

I totally get the feel of this. The total abandon of singing at the top of your lungs and not giving a damn what you sound like.

Memory is a slippery thing. You remember what touches you at the time.

Moggie711 said...

I am sure I always remember what is touching me!! But maybe I am just touched.

But seriously - thankyou. I tried to work out syllables etc in this poem but not sure it made any difference.