I found these next two pieces of work whilst doing some tidying. The first one was written to my cousin who committed suicide last year. I didn't know him well but am so sorry he has gone so soon. The second piece comes from working nights.
A shining light,
a beacon bright
that fades.
A silent smile.
A wave goodbye,
Brown eyes deep,
that rarely weep
that rarely weep
at all.
I wish I knew you better,
I should have took the time,
I should have understood.
What haunted you.
What haunts us all.
I hear noises that at first just interest me; then become persistently annoying; then worrying. Shadows and light that flicker in the peripherals of my eyes and make me wonder. That reminds me of old friends, long since left who wonder the corridors at night, still searching for the life they never knew.
1 comment:
Sorry for the strange layout of this entry - am having trouble with my blog at mo (also having trouble logging in).
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