I know I have talked about this before on my blog but today I am taking a trip to the tip. Just really taking a couple of broken bits and garden waste - the thing is I have been putting it off for days and I was not sure why. I know the local tip can be very busy and sometimes you have to sit in the car in a queue waiting your turn but I don't think it is this that has made me reticent.
The thing is I have a bit of a magpie personality - I am not the worst but neither am I great. I collect bits - books particularly and I hate, I mean really hate things that are good going to the tip. If I get rid of anything useful I have to take it to the charity shop or it bothers me. It sits in my mind as wasteful thing to do. I am a bit 'anal' about recycling, I hate it when I see tin cans and bottles in ordinary bins when they should be in the recycling. I have sometimes gone as far as taking them out and putting them in a recycling bin - especially if there is one close. I know I nagged at college about people putting rubbish in the right bins. So when I get to the tip I mustn't look at all the really good stuff that is just going in the bin, garden furniture that is perfectly good but just might need a coat of paint, wooden furniture that is reusable or would make excellent fire wood, paintings, rugs, bikes and toys - the list goes on.
I just have to shut my eyes and get on with disposing of my rubbish.
Shut my eyes and not look at what other people are dumping.
Shut my eyes and not think about giving wasteful dumpers dirty looks.
Shut my eyes and not think about asking them for that perfect little wicker chair.
Shut my eyes and get on with throwing my rubbish away.
Mind you I might take some money and see what they have in the recycle shop - I'm looking for a hideous print to paint (long story and another post hopefully). Old habits die hard.
the "tip"? I am unfamiliar with but it seems it has something to do with throwing things away.lol.. I tend to hold onto things a little past their usefullness. Kinda like my blog.. lol
In America you possibly call it the Garbage Dump - not sure - a place provided by the local council to get rid of rubbish. Oh dear its this common language problem again.
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