I was knackered. Actually sat in the chair and fell asleep. Another good thing really as I haven't slept like that for over a week and it felt OK to sleep because I was tired. But the trouble is as soon as I stop, as soon as I have a moment all the terrible thoughts just come back and I am eaten up by the pain and the anger.
I don't want to be but I can't stop my mind. I woke up the morning after a pretty good nights sleep and realise I was dreaming about her, about telling her what I thought, about telling her just how much pain she had inflicted on me. And it was awful. I don't want this to happen but it happens anyway.
Then I get up and I feel the physical pain inside. It is like grief and I guess I am suffering grief. A pain of loss. Yesterday I thought about the feelings I have for him. Guess I do still love him (or maybe it is just care for him a little bit). But we had 30 years together and even though he doesn't thinks so - most of the time it was good. We were friends, he was my support. We had good loving sex and were together. Now I don't have that anymore. He told me it is over and that is that but I just can't get to that point yet. I will I know I will but for me it is going to take a lot longer that just a week.
I realise that I shouldn't beat myself up about this. 30 years to a week - nothing. I realise it is OK to be frightened, even though things were bad he was still about, I still depended on him for a lot. These are the things I have to get used to. I can't ask him about cooking, I can't ask him to help with Boy, I can't talk to him about my beautiful girls. These things I can't do anymore. Yesterday I nearly texted him about where something was. I didn't. I get it - I can't anymore. And all day in my head I kept thinking about reasons to text him. I didn't. Instead I asked myself why I wanted to do this. And I guess the answer is above.
In my mind I know things will eventually get better for me (even though I suspect they will get worse first before they get better). In my mind I know that learning to be strong and independent will be a really good thing for me. In my mind I hope that one day I can find someone new and be loved again. Even if it is not a permanent thing. In my mind I hope I can bring up Boy on my own and do a good job. But at the moment my mind is also racing full of all the pain and suffering and the hurt. So there is a lot of competition in there.
And that competition is not always such a good thing.
I am so sorry this has happened honey. I know you guys came close a couple of years ago, but pulled it back. This really must be truly dreadful for you.
That he lied and betrayed you with your best friend...oh boy.
So, you move from being with a man who lied to you and made you unhappy, to being by yourself.
Now there are choices to make. What kind of life do you want to make for yourself? What are the things you want to do? How do you spend your time?
Brisk walks are the order of the day. You don't have the luxury to moulder, you have your boy to look after. It's not good for him to see you a mess.
Use your anger to propell yourself forward into the life you want. You can do it. Come love, up you get.
Thanks for this message Roses I am trying to get to this point but think I am away off still but trying. I don't know what choices I can make yet but I am sure they will appear. I have to start to believe in me, I have to learn to love me - this may take time but hey anything is possible. Thanks again it means alot to me.
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