Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Book Review - Spike Milligan The Biography

Now I understand that like many people who suffer mental health illness that there must have been times that he was pretty awful to live with but he had achieved so much and created such wonderful work I just can't believe that this 'author' felt that his illness was the main 'thing' of him. It said in the 'blurb' that this book would use Spike's own writing, particularly poetry to understand the man. It didn't. He does mention his writing, he does say what a prolific writer Spike is but mainly he goes on, and on, and on.... about his illness. So What? We know he was probably a manic depressive, we know that this illness can create amazingly creative people - we also know that sometimes it just doesn't. But what we don't know from this book is enough about his creativity, about his wonderful poetry and humour (and yes I know sometimes he gets it wrong - doesn't everyone).

I did enjoy reading this book - even though it made me angry - and I did learn more about Spike that I didn't know but I am glad I got it second hand cheaply and that I didn't invest too much hope in it. I admit that I have yet to read many biographies that really satisfy me as a reader. I fell they are so often sensationalist or shallow and don't let us really know about the subject.

What did I learn - that Spike suffered terrible 'shell shock' injuries twice during the war and this may be why he struggled in later life and also this may have helped him be more creative and funny and also write wonderful life poetry. He loved his children and women! Do I like his work any less - absolutely not - has it enhanced my understanding of his work - no, not very much.

Not a book I will keep but I guess I am kinda glad I read it.

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