I am so excited that I have had a poem excepted and published in
First Edition Magazine.
My poem Beginning, Middle, End has been published in First Edition Issue 08, October 2009 and is available in Border, WH Smith and other good newsagents from September 10th.
The magazine website is http://www.firsteditionpublishing.co.uk
I must admit that I have waited until I actually saw it in print before letting everyone know as I was convinced it was going to be a big mistake and my work wouldn't really be in the magazine. But it is and I am so pleased, proud, excited etc. It is great to say I have been published and I feel that this will really help me write more, be brave enough to submit work (and be more confident in my poetry which I now love after struggling initially).
For all of you that regularly read my blog (especially you glnroz) and for those of you that pass a comment, I just want to say a big thankyou - those comments help me as a writer so much and give me the confidence to continue.
Hope you get to read my work and thanks again.